Guests often call our guided tours 'the best thing to do in Washington DC' and sometimes 'pretty awesome!' You may have noticed companies intentionally sharing average reviews of like 4.7 stars, which they do because a study a few years back said the internet trusts that more than a perfect 5.0. Our actual average is 5/5, so f.k it. Roblox Cheats and Cheat Codes, PC. Go to trades and go to promotion and go to a game you will see a bar at the top of the compter it will say the game name and on the mouse click the right side on the mouse it will say stuff click copy then go back to promotion it will say roblox url then press the right side on the mouse it will say stuff click paste.
Jan 18th, 2020
![Hack Hack](
![Washington Washington](
Roblox Washington Dc Script
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Roblox Washington D.c Hacking
- loadstring(game:GetObjects('rbxassetid://4480871791')[1].Source)()
- local VRService = game:GetService('VRService')
- local character = workspace.CloneCharacter
- local HeadDisplay ='Part', workspace)
- HeadDisplay.CanCollide = false
- HeadDisplay.Transparency = 1
- HeadDisplay.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- HeadDisplay.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- local leftHandDisplay ='Part', workspace)
- leftHandDisplay.CanCollide = false
- leftHandDisplay.Transparency = 1
- leftHandDisplay.Color = Color3.fromRGB(125,125,255)
- leftHandDisplay.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- leftHandDisplay.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- local rightHandDisplay ='Part', workspace)
- rightHandDisplay.CanCollide = false
- rightHandDisplay.Transparency = 1
- rightHandDisplay.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,125,125)
- rightHandDisplay.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- rightHandDisplay.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- for i,v in next, workspace.CloneCharacter:GetChildren() do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- spawn(function()
- local character = workspace.CloneCharacter
- HeadScale = 1
- Cam.HeadScale = HeadScale
- local cfRH = VRService:GetUserCFrame(Enum.UserCFrame.RightHand)
- local RightHandCFrame = (Cam.CFrame**HeadScale))*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(cfRH:ToEulerAnglesXYZ())
- local cfLH = VRService:GetUserCFrame(Enum.UserCFrame.LeftHand)
- local LeftHandCFrame = (Cam.CFrame**HeadScale))*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(cfLH:ToEulerAnglesXYZ())
- local cfH = VRService:GetUserCFrame(Enum.UserCFrame.Head)
- local HeadCFrame = (Cam.CFrame**HeadScale))*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(cfH:ToEulerAnglesXYZ())
- character['Head'].Orientation = HeadDisplay.Orientation
- character['Head'].Position = HeadDisplay.Position
- character['Left Arm'].Orientation = leftHandDisplay.Orientation +,0,0)
- character['Left Arm'].Position = leftHandDisplay.Position
- character['Right Arm'].Orientation = rightHandDisplay.Orientation +,0,0)
- character['Right Arm'].Position = rightHandDisplay.Position
- end)
- spawn(function()
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Cinematic free camera for spectating and video production.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local pi = math.pi
- local clamp = math.clamp
- local rad = math.rad
- local sqrt = math.sqrt
- local ContextActionService = game:GetService('ContextActionService')
- local RunService = game:GetService('RunService')
- local UserInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService')
- if not LocalPlayer then
- Players:GetPropertyChangedSignal('LocalPlayer'):Wait()
- end
- local Camera = Workspace.CurrentCamera
- Workspace:GetPropertyChangedSignal('CurrentCamera'):Connect(function()
- if newCamera then
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local TOGGLE_INPUT_PRIORITY = Enum.ContextActionPriority.Low.Value
- local INPUT_PRIORITY = Enum.ContextActionPriority.High.Value
- local PAN_GAIN =, 1)*8
- local PAN_STIFFNESS = 1.0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local Spring = {} do
- local self = setmetatable({}, Spring)
- self.p = pos
- return self
- local f = self.f*2*pi
- local v0 = self.v
- local offset = goal - p0
- local p1 = goal + (v0*dt - offset*(f*dt + 1))*decay
- self.v = v1
- return p1
- self.p = pos
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local cameraPos =
- local cameraFov = 0
- local velSpring =,
- local panSpring =,
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local Input = {} do
- local K_CURVATURE = 2.0
- return (exp(K_CURVATURE*x) - 1)/(exp(K_CURVATURE) - 1)
- return fCurve((x - K_DEADZONE)/(1 - K_DEADZONE))
- return sign(x)*clamp(fDeadzone(abs(x)), 0, 1)
- end
- local gamepad = {
- ButtonY = 0,
- DPadUp = 0,
- ButtonR2 = 0,
- Thumbstick2 =,
- W = 0,
- S = 0,
- E = 0,
- U = 0,
- J = 0,
- I = 0,
- Up = 0,
- LeftShift = 0,
- }
- local mouse = {
- MouseWheel = 0,
- local NAV_KEYBOARD_SPEED =, 1, 1)
- local PAN_MOUSE_SPEED =, 1)*(pi/64)
- local PAN_GAMEPAD_SPEED =, 1)*(pi/8)
- local FOV_GAMEPAD_SPEED = 0.25
- local NAV_SHIFT_MUL = 0.25
- local navSpeed = 1
- function Input.Vel(dt)
- navSpeed = clamp(navSpeed + dt*(keyboard.Up - keyboard.Down)*NAV_ADJ_SPEED, 0.01, 4)
- local kGamepad =
- thumbstickCurve(gamepad.ButtonR2) - thumbstickCurve(gamepad.ButtonL2),
- local kKeyboard =
- keyboard.D - keyboard.A + keyboard.K - keyboard.H,
- keyboard.E - keyboard.Q + keyboard.I - keyboard.Y,
- keyboard.S - keyboard.W + keyboard.J - keyboard.U
- local shift = UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift) or UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.RightShift)
- return (kGamepad + kKeyboard)*(navSpeed*(shift and NAV_SHIFT_MUL or 1))
- local kGamepad =
- thumbstickCurve(-gamepad.Thumbstick2.x)
- local kMouse = mouse.Delta*PAN_MOUSE_SPEED
- return kGamepad + kMouse
- local kGamepad = (gamepad.ButtonX - gamepad.ButtonY)*FOV_GAMEPAD_SPEED
- mouse.MouseWheel = 0
- end
- do
- keyboard[input.KeyCode.Name] = state Enum.UserInputState.Begin and 1 or 0
- end
- local function GpButton(action, state, input)
- gamepad[input.KeyCode.Name] = state Enum.UserInputState.Begin and 1 or 0
- end
- local function MousePan(action, state, input)
- mouse.Delta =, -delta.x)
- end
- local function Thumb(action, state, input)
- return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink
- gamepad[input.KeyCode.Name] = input.Position.z
- end
- local function MouseWheel(action, state, input)
- mouse[input.UserInputType.Name] = -input.Position.z
- end
- local function Zero(t)
- t[k] = v*0
- end
- function Input.StartCapture()
- ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority('FreecamKeyboard', Keypress, false, INPUT_PRIORITY,
- Enum.KeyCode.A, Enum.KeyCode.H,
- Enum.KeyCode.D, Enum.KeyCode.K,
- Enum.KeyCode.Q, Enum.KeyCode.Y,
- )
- ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority('FreecamMousePan', MousePan, false, INPUT_PRIORITY, Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement)
- ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority('FreecamMouseWheel', MouseWheel, false, INPUT_PRIORITY, Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel)
- ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority('FreecamGamepadButton', GpButton, false, INPUT_PRIORITY, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY)
- ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority('FreecamGamepadTrigger', Trigger, false, INPUT_PRIORITY, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2)
- ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority('FreecamGamepadThumbstick', Thumb, false, INPUT_PRIORITY, Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1, Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2)
- navSpeed = 1
- Zero(keyboard)
- ContextActionService:UnbindAction('FreecamKeyboard')
- ContextActionService:UnbindAction('FreecamMousePan')
- ContextActionService:UnbindAction('FreecamMouseWheel')
- ContextActionService:UnbindAction('FreecamGamepadButton')
- ContextActionService:UnbindAction('FreecamGamepadTrigger')
- ContextActionService:UnbindAction('FreecamGamepadThumbstick')
- end
- local znear = 0.1
- local projy = 2*tan(cameraFov/2)
- local fx = cameraFrame.rightVector
- local fz = cameraFrame.lookVector
- local minVect =
- for y = 0, 1, 0.5 do
- local cy = (y - 0.5)*projy
- local origin = cameraFrame.p + offset*znear
- local _, hit = Workspace:FindPartOnRay(, offset.unit*minDist))
- if minDist > dist then
- minVect = offset.unit
- end
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function StepFreecam(dt)
- local pan = panSpring:Update(dt, Input.Pan(dt))
- local zoomFactor = sqrt(tan(rad(70/2))/tan(rad(cameraFov/2)))
- cameraFov = clamp(cameraFov + fov*FOV_GAIN*(dt/zoomFactor), 1, 120)
- cameraRot = cameraRot + pan*PAN_GAIN*(dt/zoomFactor)
- cameraRot =, -PITCH_LIMIT, PITCH_LIMIT), cameraRot.y%(2*pi))
- local cameraCFrame =*CFrame.fromOrientation(cameraRot.x, cameraRot.y, 0)**NAV_GAIN*dt)
- Camera.Focus = cameraCFrame*, 0, -GetFocusDistance(cameraCFrame))
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local PlayerState = {} do
- local cameraType
- local cameraCFrame
- local screenGuis = {}
- Backpack = true,
- Health = true,
- }
- BadgesNotificationsActive = true,
- }
- -- Save state and set up for freecam
- for name in pairs(coreGuis) do
- coreGuis[name] = StarterGui:GetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType[name])
- StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType[name], false)
- for name in pairs(setCores) do
- StarterGui:SetCore(name, false)
- local playergui = LocalPlayer:FindFirstChildOfClass('PlayerGui')
- for _, gui in pairs(playergui:GetChildren()) do
- screenGuis[#screenGuis + 1] = gui
- end
- end
- cameraFieldOfView = Camera.FieldOfView
- Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
- cameraCFrame = Camera.CFrame
- UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.Default
- function PlayerState.Pop()
- StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType[name], isEnabled)
- for name, isEnabled in pairs(setCores) do
- end
- if gui.Parent then
- end
- cameraFieldOfView = nil
- Camera.CameraType = cameraType
- cameraCFrame = nil
- Camera.Focus = cameraFocus
- mouseBehavior = nil
- end
- local function StartFreecam()
- cameraRot =
- cameraFov = Camera.FieldOfView
- velSpring:Reset(
- fovSpring:Reset(0)
- PlayerState.Push()
- RunService:BindToRenderStep('Freecam', Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value, StepFreecam)
- end
- local function StopFreecam()
- RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep('Freecam')
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- do
- StartFreecam()
- local function ToggleFreecam()
- StopFreecam()
- StartFreecam()
- enabled = not enabled
- for i = 1, #macro - 1 do
- return
- end
- end
- local function HandleActivationInput(action, state, input)
- end
- return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass
- ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority('FreecamToggle', HandleActivationInput, false, TOGGLE_INPUT_PRIORITY, FREECAM_MACRO_KB[#FREECAM_MACRO_KB])
- end)