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- Release by Rain on V3rmillion
- Please leave this header intact to encourage future script releases!
- Name: cbrohacks.lua
- Desc: Hacky hacks for bad FPS players like me
- Enjoy!
- Usage:
- - Press Backslash to toggle the ability to see players through walls ('chams')
- - Press Caps Lock to toggle auto-aiming ('aimbot')
- - Press Right Alt once then start firing blindly in any direction to kill and make the server angry ('opk')
- Aimbot Options:
- - Press Left Bracket to switch to instant aiming mode (extremely accurate, very obvious)
- - Press Right Bracket to switch to smooth aiming mode (eased camera movement, very natural)
- ]]
- do --SIGHT
- local allsguis = {}
- local enabled = false
- local dohax = function(lbplr)
- if not lbplr.Character then return end
- if obj:IsA('BasePart') then
- local snew = function(...)
- local sgui = Instance.new('SurfaceGui',obj)
- sgui.AlwaysOnTop = true
- table.insert(sguis,sgui)
- for i,v in next,sguis do
- table.remove(sguis,i)
- end
- end)
- end
- snew('Front', 'Back', 'Left', 'Right', 'Top', 'Bottom')
- local sframe = Instance.new('Frame',sgui)
- sframe.BorderSizePixel = 0
- sframe.BackgroundColor3 = lbplr.TEEM.Value plr.TEEM.Value and BrickColor.new('Really blue').Color or BrickColor.new('Really red').Color
- table.insert(allsguis,sguis)
- end
- if lbplr ~= plr then
- lbplr.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char)
- end)
- end
- for _,v in next,game.Players:GetPlayers() do
- end
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p)
- end)
- game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:connect(function(input)
- enabled = not enabled
- for __,vv in next,v do
- end
- end
- end
- do --AIM
- local cam = game:GetService('Workspace').CurrentCamera
- local plrs = game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers()
- local lplr = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
- local aiming = false
- game:GetService('RunService'):BindToRenderStep('UpdateCamera', Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value, function()
- if not aiming or not lplr.Character or not lplr.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then return end
- for _,plr in next,plrs do
- if plr ~= lplr and plr.TEEM.Value ~= lplr.TEEM.Value then
- if char and char:FindFirstChild('Head') then
- local hit = workspace:FindPartOnRay(Ray.new((cam.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,0,-5)).p, char.Head.Position - (cam.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,0,-5)).p))
- if hit and hit.Parent and hit.Parent char or hit.Parent.Parent char then
- local dist = (char.Head.Position - lplr.Character.Head.Position).magnitude
- cdist = dist
- end
- end
- end
- cam.CFrame = dolerp and cam.CFrame:lerp(CFrame.new(cam.CFrame.p, cchar.Head.CFrame.p), .15) or CFrame.new(cam.CFrame.p, cchar.Head.CFrame.p)
- table.insert(plrs,plr)
- game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(plr)
- if v plr then
- end
- end)
- game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:connect(function(input)
- aiming = not aiming
- elseif input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.RightBracket then
- elseif input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.LeftBracket then
- end
- end
- do --OMGWHAT
- game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:connect(function(input)
- if not plr.Character or not plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then return end
- if v ~= plr and v.TEEM.Value ~= plr.TEEM.Value and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') and v.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild('Neck') then
- local head = char.Head
- head.Anchored = true
- head.Transparency = 1
- for _,vv in next,head:children() do
- vv:destroy()
- end
- local rs = game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped:connect(function()
- head.CFrame = plr.Character.Head.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,0,-5)
- head.AncestryChanged:connect(function()
- end)
- plr.Character.Head.AncestryChanged:connect(function()
- end)
- end
- end)
- RAW Paste Data
- --[[
- Please leave this header intact to encourage future script releases!
- Name: cbrohacks.lua
- Desc: Hacky hacks for bad FPS players like me
- Enjoy!
- Usage:
- - Press Backslash to toggle the ability to see players through walls ('chams')
- - Press Caps Lock to toggle auto-aiming ('aimbot')
- - Press Right Alt once then start firing blindly in any direction to kill and make the server angry ('opk')
- Aimbot Options:
- - Press Left Bracket to switch to instant aiming mode (extremely accurate, very obvious)
- - Press Right Bracket to switch to smooth aiming mode (eased camera movement, very natural)
- ]]
- do --SIGHT
- local allsguis = {}
- local enabled = false
- local dohax = function(lbplr)
- if not lbplr.Character then return end
- if obj:IsA('BasePart') then
- local snew = function(...)
- local sgui = Instance.new('SurfaceGui',obj)
- sgui.AlwaysOnTop = true
- table.insert(sguis,sgui)
- for i,v in next,sguis do
- table.remove(sguis,i)
- end
- end)
- end
- snew('Front', 'Back', 'Left', 'Right', 'Top', 'Bottom')
- local sframe = Instance.new('Frame',sgui)
- sframe.BorderSizePixel = 0
- sframe.BackgroundColor3 = lbplr.TEEM.Value plr.TEEM.Value and BrickColor.new('Really blue').Color or BrickColor.new('Really red').Color
- table.insert(allsguis,sguis)
- end
- if lbplr ~= plr then
- lbplr.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char)
- end)
- end
- for _,v in next,game.Players:GetPlayers() do
- end
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p)
- end)
- game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:connect(function(input)
- enabled = not enabled
- for __,vv in next,v do
- end
- end
- end
- do --AIM
- local cam = game:GetService('Workspace').CurrentCamera
- local plrs = game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers()
- local lplr = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
- local aiming = false
- game:GetService('RunService'):BindToRenderStep('UpdateCamera', Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value, function()
- if not aiming or not lplr.Character or not lplr.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then return end
- for _,plr in next,plrs do
- if plr ~= lplr and plr.TEEM.Value ~= lplr.TEEM.Value then
- if char and char:FindFirstChild('Head') then
- local hit = workspace:FindPartOnRay(Ray.new((cam.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,0,-5)).p, char.Head.Position - (cam.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,0,-5)).p))
- if hit and hit.Parent and hit.Parent char or hit.Parent.Parent char then
- local dist = (char.Head.Position - lplr.Character.Head.Position).magnitude
- cdist = dist
- end
- end
- end
- cam.CFrame = dolerp and cam.CFrame:lerp(CFrame.new(cam.CFrame.p, cchar.Head.CFrame.p), .15) or CFrame.new(cam.CFrame.p, cchar.Head.CFrame.p)
- table.insert(plrs,plr)
- game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(plr)
- if v plr then
- end
- end)
- game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:connect(function(input)
- aiming = not aiming
- elseif input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.RightBracket then
- elseif input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.LeftBracket then
- end
- end
- do --OMGWHAT
- game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:connect(function(input)
- if not plr.Character or not plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then return end
- if v ~= plr and v.TEEM.Value ~= plr.TEEM.Value and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') and v.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild('Neck') then
- local head = char.Head
- head.Anchored = true
- head.Transparency = 1
- for _,vv in next,head:children() do
- vv:destroy()
- end
- local rs = game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped:connect(function()
- head.CFrame = plr.Character.Head.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,0,-5)
- head.AncestryChanged:connect(function()
- end)
- plr.Character.Head.AncestryChanged:connect(function()
- end)
- end
- end)
Roblox Csgo Hacks 2019
RAW Paste Data