Hack Roblox With Kali Linux

LazyKali is an awesome script written in bash shell. It can automate the whole update and install new tools in your hack repository. As the name suggests, you can get all the updates on Kali Linux and your repositories in one place by running this script.

1 day ago Basic Kali Linux commands for Hacking. Posted: March 25, 2017. Hope you have installed Kali Linux in virtual box or using any other way. In this lesson, I am talking about basic commands in Kali Linux, not all only that you needed in starting a + free source of learning all Linux commands. Before commands, I want to introduce you Terminal.

  1. L inux-based distros are the most preferred platforms for ethical hacking. Specifically, open source operating systems like Kali Linux Tools and Parrot are very popular among security researchers.
  2. Kali Linux is the most widely known Linux distro for ethical hacking and penetration testing. Kali Linux is developed by Offensive Security and previously by BackTrack.

LazyKali adds quite a few tools to Kali Linux.

  • Bleeding Edge Repos
  • AngryIP Scanner
  • Terminator
  • Xchat
  • Unicornscan
  • Nautilus Open Terminal
  • Simple-Ducky
  • Subterfuge
  • Ghost-Phisher
  • Yamas
  • PwnStar
  • Ettercap0.7.6
  • Xssf
  • Smbexec
  • Flash
  • Java
  • Easy-Creds
  • Java

… and more!

Lazy-Kali will also update Kali, Start Metaploit Services, Start Stop And Update Open-Vas

This is the first version, script is self updating so more will be added in a short time.

* Warning: Disable firewall or Internet Security application if your Kali Linux is installed in a virtual machine.


To install the script on Kali Linux, run


on root terminal window. If you get a message Permission Denied, then first type:

chmod +x lazykali.sh



if the script is not installed it may prompt you to install. Type Y to install the script.


Once the script is installed, it will check the version. If the version is old, allow it to update by typing Y.

Kali Linux Wifi Hack

Once execute, you will get a command line interface. Check the below screenshot of the tool.

If Kali Linux is not updated, then type 1 to update Kali Linux. Once it is updated, type 6 to check available tools that LazyKali offers you.

Type 3 to install Hackpack. It will prompt you to install Hackpack. Type Y to install Hackpack.

Hack Roblox With Kali Linux Server

Now click on Applications on the top left corner of Kali Desktop and you will find Hackpack tab.

One advantage of LaziKali is that you can modify the code and add some extra tools to this script to save time and effort. Please find the source code:

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