Dart Simulator Codes Roblox

Dart Simulator Codes Roblox

More Roblox Codes – Other Games. We have tons of updated lists with active codes for most of the Roblox Games here. To find the codes list you need: Follow the link above Find your game (alphabetically) Follow its link Enjoy the list. All of our Roblox codes lists are always updated with all the valid & also expired codes.

Nov 23rd, 2019
Dart Simulator Codes Roblox
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  1. --This script slams your character on the ground to get many broken bones!
  2. game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity = Vector3.new(yes, yes *-2,0)
  3. wait()
RAW Paste Data

Dart Simulator Codes Roblox